How to spring clean your life

How to spring clean your life

Do you want to know how to spring clean your life?

Spring is notoriously a great time to take the time to give your home a spring clean aka giving it a major declutter and clean.  Whilst traditionally your spring clean your home you can spring clean so much more. Keep on reading to find out how to spring clean your life.

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Spring clean your physical space

Let’s start with the obvious and deal with the traditional spring clean activity – your house. Open the curtains, let the light shine in and start decluttering your space. Go through each room and work out what you no longer need. Then once you’ve got rid of as much as you can have a good clean.


Spring clean your clothes

Do you constantly find yourself struggling to find something to wear even though your wardrobe and drawers are bursting at the seams? Spending time and energy struggling to find an outfit is a waste of your time. Make your life easy and Marie Kondo your clothes. If you aren’t familiar with Marie Kondo she is the author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying. In this book, she encourages you to put all of your clothes into a massive pile and then one by one pick up each item of clothing and ask if it sparks joy. The likelihood is you’ll end up getting rid of a lot and then be so happy next time you open your draw or wardrobe.


Spring clean your goals

If you set goals at the beginning of the year, then now might be a great time to review your list of goals. Were you super enthusiastic in January and set out to conquer the world and now you feel different? That is fine. Use this time now to review your list and see whether you are still passionate about achieving all of them.


Spring clean your digital world

  • Your computer – Do you have a desktop that is full of files that need to be filed away? Do you have a filing system that works or do you spend hours searching for anything? Now is the time to sort.
  • Email – Do you dread opening your inbox because of all the unread emails? Can you delete them or do you need to read them? Are there newsletters you can unsubscribe from? Do you need to introduce or improve your filing system?
  • Mobile Phone – When was the last time you delete numbers of people you no longer talk to or message? Do you have apps taking up space that you no longer use? Could you update your screensaver to be something valuable or that brings you joy?
  • Social media – Do you only follow accounts of friends, family and those who inspire, motivate, support or educate you? Or do you follow accounts that cause you to fall into a trap of comparisonitis and feel bad about yourself? If an account doesn’t make you feel good stop following it.


Spring clean your relationships

Another area that you can spring clean is your relationships. Think about who you spend time messaging, talking too and seeing. Do you have relationships that bring your down or people that you never enjoy spending time with? If so, it may be time to ‘break up’ with some people. In some cases, this may mean having to have an honest conversation, but in other instances, it might just require you to stop initiating conversations and asking to meet up or hang out.


Spring clean your finances

When was the last time you took a proper look at your finances? You can spring clean your finances by actually looking into all of your finances. Check your bank accounts, saving accounts, credit cards, loans, mortgages, pensions etc. Get a real understanding of your financial situation. Do you need to pay off a credit card, close a bank account or combine pensions? Think of how you can simplifying your finances to help you keep on top of them.


There you have it. You know now how to spring clean your life.

Hopefully, this has given you some great ideas on how to spring clean your life, but there are definitely more ways to spring clean your life. If you want to go even further then another tool you can use is the wheel of life. You can find out more about the wheel of life here. It is a great tool to ensure you set goals across the whole of your life. However, in the same way, you can set a goal for each area you can also ensure that you spring clean that area.


In the comments, I would love to know what area of your life you are most excited to spring clean.

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