PropelHer’s Book Club provides unashamedly ambitious women with a carefully selected programme to help develop the mindset and skills needed to succeed professionally and in life. Ready to read great books and discuss them with other like-minded women?
“The person you will be in 5 years is decided by the people you spend time with and the books you read today.”
The books you read and the people you surround yourself with have a direct effect on how successful you are. PropelHer’s Book Club offers you the opportunity to read great books and then discuss them with other ambitious women who will support you and your ambitious goals.
Online Book Club
6-month Membership (July - December 2023)
6x monthly sessions delivered online (via Zoom) on Mondays 7pm GMT/BST.
Pre-session Emails
6-Month Membership = £149
“Charelle has an infectious and welcoming personality which translates to her book club (PropelHer) being truly inspirational. PropelHer brings together strong women who are focused on developing their entrepreneurial and growth mindset and during the monthly meeting(s) Charelle facilitates the discussion by asking key questions about the book and asking the attendees for their input. The discussion brings together new ideas and different points of view which enhances all the attendees understanding of the book. PropelHer is not only a book club, but a monthly gathering of women in support of one another’s goals and dreams. I highly recommend PropelHer to anyone looking to inspire and be inspired!” - Claire
I’ve been a member of PropelHer’s Book Club since the 2016 and it has opened my mind to such thought-provoking books. I have learnt so much from the women who attend who are various ages, backgrounds and walks of life.
What is special about Charelle’s book club is her ability to structure each session in a way that gets us to really think about the ideas in the book and what we might take away to apply it to our lives.
Charelle has created a safe space for women to take the time out of their busy lives for themselves, to learn from each other and self-reflect on their lives, their confidence and their own definition of happiness.
This book club has really helped me to strive for more, helped my confidence and challenged me through the range of books that have been selected. I have seen a great deal of personal growth in myself and the women who attend so join us! - Noita
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with" - Jim Rohn
“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher" - Oprah
“If you want to be really successful you have to surround yourself with other successful people” – Denise Duffield Thomas
There are hundreds of quotes from amazingly success people who swear by the importance of the people you spend time with. PropelHer's Book Club isn't just about the books. It is about sharing the experience with others.
Joining a book club offers numerous advantages to reading a book alone.
~ You will be introduced to books you might not have come across
~ The hard work of selecting a book has been done for you
~ There is the extra motivation to finish the book in time for a session
~ You will be guided through the key concepts of the book
~ You will have the benefit of hearing other people’s opinions and insight
~ You will increase the diversity of your network
Join PropelHer's Book Club in 2023

Is PropelHer's Book Club for me?
PropelHer’s Book Club is for you if:
~ You are a woman
~ You would like to read one non-fiction book a month (feel free to read more)
~ You have an interest in personal development and are committed to your personal growth.
What are the other members like?
PropelHer’s Book Club prides itself on attracting a wide range of women from all walks of life. Some are employees, some are entrepreneurs, and some are both. Previous members have work in lots of different industries from construction, to fashion, to education, to arts, to tech and much more. We have members attend who were in their 20s to their 50s.
But all have a passion for wanting to achieve more in their life and wanting to connect with other ambitious women.
Hey. I'm Charelle and I'm a book-loving Marketer, Award-Winning Blogger, Podcaster and founder of PropelHer. I am passionate about supporting women to fulfil their true potential and live the life they dream of.
I love personal development, goal-setting, planning, and female empowerment. Having been introduced to the concept of goal-setting as a teenager, I am a self-confessed #goaldigger and just love planning, whether it be for business growth or around how to turn a goal into a reality. Through PropelHer, I have supported hundreds of women to embrace their true desires and then achieve them.
Why I created PropelHer's Book Club?
I created PropelHer’s Book Club in 2016 because I had always believed in the power of reading and that “knowledge is power”. I knew that reading had been highly beneficial in my life and would be too other women too. I could see that other women knew it was important. They would jot down a book in their diary, type a note on their phone, put a pin on a Pinterest board or create an Amazon wishlist and months later they still wouldn’t have read the book even though they had the best intentions. They knew they wanted to be more successful and that reading was an essential part of the process, but time just kept running away from them. So I create PropelHer's Book Club to help women to be accountable, to be able to discuss great books with other women and to encourage members to actively apply their new knowledge to the life. The truth is that knowledge isn't power, but just potential power. Once you have read a book you need to act on it!
See what other ambitious women have said about attending PropelHer's Book Club.
"PropelHer has been a great opportunity to meet other like-minded women who are looking to achieve more. The knowledge I've learnt from PropelHer sessions has been invaluable in both my personal and professional life." – Kate Donovan
“I really look forward to PropelHer book club each month. It is so nice to come together with a such an intelligent and diverse group of ladies. We have such fruitful and thought-provoking conversations and I find I get so much more out of the books from hearing everyone’s insights and point of view.” - Rebecca McNeil
"PropelHer's Book Club is a phenomenal space for ambitious, intellectual women wishing to discuss books with other like-minded women in a safe space. The venue is exquisite, offering a cocktail for those wishing to unwind after a long day and the host Charelle is exceptional. It is evident that she invests a lot of time preparing for each session, and provides ‘homework’ which is incredibly useful and also encourages you to complete the book. The environment is welcoming and discussions stimulating! I recommend all women attend." - Carisse
Whilst I encourage everyone to read the book before the session, sessions are designed so that even if you haven’t read the book you can take part in the conversation.
PropelHer’s Book Club only reads non-fiction books. Books are chosen to support personal development and professional success. Previously chosen books include: Playing Big, Mindset, The Magic of Thinking Big, The Success Principles, The Miracle Morning, Never Eat Alone, Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich and Talk Like Ted. You can see the whole reading list here.
Sessions will be held on the following Mondays:
Monday 9th January *Please note this is not the first Monday of the month. England has a bank holiday on 2nd January.
Monday 6th February
Monday 6th March
Monday 3rd April
Monday 15th May *Please note this is not the first Monday of the month. England has a bank holiday on the 1st and 8th of May.
Monday 5th June
Monday 3rd July
Monday 7th August
Monday 4th September
Monday 2nd October
Monday 6th November
Monday 4th December
PropelHer's Book Club is an online book club. All sessions will be ran via Zoom. Sessions will last 2 hours (7-9 pm UK time). Convert for your time zone here.
An annual ticket to PropelHer's Book Club gives you access to all 12 sessions and costs £250. Book by Wednesday 30th November 2022 and you can claim the early booking offer, save £50, and just pay £199.
The average number of pages you’ll need to read per day to finish the book of the month
The number of books read between 2016 and 2022
The number of books we'll be reading in 2023
Ready to take the first step to success?
Join PropelHer's Book Club in 2023!
Online Book Club
6-month Membership (July - December 2023)
6x monthly sessions delivered online (via Zoom) on Mondays 7pm GMT/BST.
Pre-session Emails
Annual Membership = £149
Have a question? Having problems booking? Please email