Book Club 2017

PropelHer's Book Club 2017 London Launch

ropelHer's Book Club 2018 on sale

Welcome to PropelHer’s Book Club – The ultimate book club for ambitious London women

“A well read woman is a dangerous creature”

Charelle reading a book in Library

PropelHer’s Book Club provides unashamedly ambitious women with a carefully selected programme to help develop the mindset and skills needed to succeed professionally and in life. Ready to read great books and discuss with other like-minded women?

Join Us Now!

The first book of 2017 reading list will be announced on Wednesday 7th December, 10pm so do not delay in securing your place. There are just 12 annual tickets so don’t miss out!

“The person you will be in 5 years is decided by the people you spend time with and the books you read today.”

The books you read and the people you surround yourself with have a direct effect on how successful you are. PropelHer’s Book Club offers you the opportunity to read great books and then discuss them with other ambitious women who will support you and your ambitious goals.



Charelle holding book


I launched PropelHer’s Book Club in 2016 because I am a book-loving marketer and coach and that believes “knowledge is power”. I read a book a week and it has changed my life. I knew it would be as beneficial to other women too. I could see that other women knew it was important. They would jot down a book in their diary, type a note on their phone, put a pin on a Pinterest board or create an Amazon wishlist and months later they still wouldn’t have read the book even though they had the best intentions. They knew they wanted to be more successful and that reading was an essential part of the process, but time just kept running away from them.

So I have done the hard work for you!

I have read the most recommended books by CEOs, entrepreneurs, coaches and motivational speakers, and then chosen the best to give you a rounded programme to support your personal and professional development. The 2017 reading list includes books about money, productivity, habits, public speaking, confidence and networking. 

Not only do you not have to worry about what to read, but I have planned sessions to ensure that key ideas are discussed and there is the opportunity to relate to your own life. PropelHer’s Book Club is about reading and then actioning!

Ready to put you and your success first?

Join Us Now!



Why do I need a book club? Can’t I just read the books?

Book Pentagon

I could write a whole page of quotes from amazingly success people about the importance of the people you spend time with.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Jim Rohn

Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher Oprah

“If you want to be really successful you have to surround yourself with other successful people” – Denise Duffield Thomas in Get Rich, Lucky B*tch

Joining a book club offers numerous advantages to reading a book alone.

  • You will be introduced to books you might not have come across
  • The hard work of selecting a book has been done for you
  • There is the extra motivation to finish the book in time for a session
  • You will be guided through the key concepts of the book
  • You will have the benefit of hearing other people’s opinions and insights
  • You will increase the diversity of your network

PropelHer’s Book Club has only two requirements: female and ambitious. This means the group is diverse. There are employees and entrepreneurs. There are women working in fashion, music, education, construction, science, arts, retail, tech.

Obviously, I believe in the book club, but look at what other women have said


“PropelHer book club is a phenomenal space for ambitious, intellectual women wishing to discuss books with other like minded women in a safe space. The venue is exquisite, offering a cocktail for those wishing to unwind after a long day and the host Charelle is exceptional. It is evident that she invests a lot of time preparing for each session, and provides ‘homework’ which is incredibly useful and also encourages you to complete the book.

The environment is welcoming and discussions stimulating! I recommend all women to attend.” – Carisse Hollett


“I really look forward to PropelHer book club each month. It is so nice to come together with a such an intelligent and diverse group of ladies. We have such fruitful and thought-provoking conversations and I find I get so much more out of the books from hearing everyone’s insights and point of view.” REBECCA MCNEIL

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So where does the magic happen?

PropelHer’s Book Club takes place the gorgeous private member’s club, Library, right in the heart in Covent Garden. We have a private room so spaces are limited.

Library - Room 7

And when do the meetings happen?

Meetings are from 7-9pm on the first Monday of the month (except for when it is a bank holiday). 2017 dates will be: 9 Jan, 6 Feb, 6 Mar, 3 Apr, 8 May, 5 Jun, 3 Jul, 7 Aug, 4 Sep, 2 Oct, 6 Nov, 4 Dec

For a limited time you can book for ALL 2017 SESSIONS for just £99.

Join Us Now!



Saving: Individual sessions cost £20 so by booking for the year you make a massive saving!

Convenience: For those who signup for the entire year you will be given the reading list for January – November. This will mean you can buy all of the books now if you would like (or ask for them at Christmas). There is no more having to wait for me to announce the next book each month.

Commitment: We all know that life is busy. By signing up for the year you are making a commitment to yourself to make the time for your personal development and that you will read a book a month.

Network: Part of the joy of PropelHer’s Book Club is the network you are accessing. By signing up for the year you will be joining other women, who are equally ambitious, dedicated to their personal development and wanting to make waves in the world.

London is one the most amazing cities in the world! It is time women ruled it. 

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