6 easy tips to have a more productive day

6 easy tips to have a more productive day

Want to be super productive and have an amazingly productive day? It really isn’t that hard and today I will be sharing 6 easy tips to help you have a more productive day.

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A question I get asked all the time is ‘How can I be more productive?’. It seems that no matter how productive someone is there is a drive to be more productive. As a result, I decided to share my top 6 easy tips to help you have a more productive day.


1- Plan your day the night before

This is probably the most important part of a productive day. Before you go to sleep take a few minutes to plan out your day before. Go through your diary and make sure everything you need to do has an allocated time slot. If you want a super productive day then make sure you have everything easy to hand for all the tasks you need to complete the next day so you wake up and get straight into action.


2 – Practice your morning routine

Starting the day with a morning routine will help you start the day how you mean to go on. It can be as simple as listening to some music that puts you in a good mood whilst having a drink of water or journalling. If you don’t already have a morning routine then check out my video How To Create A Morning Routine To Set Yourself Up For Success’.


3 – Write down your 3 priorities for the day

Even though you have your whole day planned out it is a good idea to write down 3 things you would be super proud of if you achieved by the end of the day. This should help you to stay focused on the most important things and not getting distracted by a to-do list.


4 – Don’t get distracted by your phone

Nowadays, the biggest reason why people aren’t as productive as they could be is because of their phone. A beeping phone is going to be a constant distraction so turn it onto silent, switch off your notification or even put it on aeroplane mode.


5 – Stick to your schedule

If you can stay on track with your schedule then you will have a productive day. However, it is so easy to fall off track. So depending on how you block your time out set an alarm for every 20 mins, half-hour or an hour etc and when your alarm goes off then check your schedule and assess whether you are still on track for the day. If you have fallen off track, got distracted then use the alarm reminder to go back to your schedule.


6 – Review your priorities

At the end of the day it is time to go back to the priorities that you set in step 3. Did you achieve them? If so congratulate yourself. Being proud of having productive days will help you to see yourself as a productive person and want to keep the cycle going.


That’s it! My 6 tips for having a productive day.


I hope you have found this post helpful. I would love to know in the comments below what tip you are going to try.

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