I’m a big fan of journalling at any time of year and recommend developing a regular journalling routine. However, whether you are someone who already has developed the habit of journalling every day or someone who just thinks the end of the year is a great time to have a journalling session this blog post is for you.
Keep on reading to find out what the 30 end of year journalling prompts are.
I’m sharing 30 end of year journalling prompts so you can do some serious self-reflection on your year.
Firstly, I want to commend you on deciding to have an end of year journalling session. It is all too easy to be constantly moving forward. However, taking the time to sit down, reflect and write down your thoughts is so helpful.
One thing to note before you get started is that a year can feel like a very long time and it is common to have forgotten what you did at parts of the year. I find a very useful activity to do before I start my end of year journalling session is to look back through my photos of the last year. It quickly reminds me of what happened over the whole year and puts me in the right headspace to start answering my end of year journalling prompts. You obviously don’t have to do that but it might help.
Another thing to note is that answer all of these questions might take some time. You don’t have to answer all of the questions and you might decide to answer them in a few sessions. Please don’t skip questions that are hard though. Those are the questions where you will probably learn the most so push through.
Here are the 30 end of year journalling prompts
- What were the highlights of my year? List as many as you like.
- What was my favourite day/moment of the year?
- Did I achieve the goals I set for this year? For the goals I didn’t achieve can I understand why I didn’t achieve them?
- Outside of my goals is there anything I achieved this year that I’m proud of achieving?
- Did I manage to live by my word of the year? Why or why not?
- How would I sum up the year in one word?
- Did I make the most of the year? Why or why not?
- What lessons did I learn this year?
- How did I grow as a person this year?
- What new skills have I learnt this year? How has acquiring these skills improved my life?
- Did I develop any new hobbies or passions?
- Where do I feel my energy this year? Am I happy with where you I focused my energy?
- What did I do this year that made me happy?
- Did I take care of my mental health this year? How?
- Did I take care of my physical health this year? How?
- What was the best thing I spent money on this year?
- Has my financial situation changed this year? If so, what played a role in that change occurring? How do you feel about the change?
- What am I the most grateful for this year?
- What is my biggest regret of this year?
- What books did I love reading this year?
- What song did I love listening to this year?
- What places did I love visiting this year?
- What people did I love spending time with this year?
- What food did I love eating this year?
- Who upset me this year? Have I forgiven them? If I haven’t forgiven them yet how can I forgive them and move on?
- Is there anything that happened this year that I need to let go of? Do I need to forgive myself for anything that happened this year?
- What did I do this year that was scary at the time?
- Who am I grateful for having in my life this year?
- What were some difficult decisions I made this year? What was the impact of making those decisions?
- What did I learn about myself this year?
There you have it! You now have 30 end of year journalling prompts to help you reflect on the past year.
I really hope using these prompts helps you to have a wonderful end of year journalling session.
Do let me know in the comments if there are any prompts you love and how your journalling session goes.