1. Track how you are spending your time
Sometimes you can feel as if you don’t have enough time but really you do. If you felt for a while as if you don’t have enough time then it is a good idea to track yourself for a whole week. Tracking all your actions for a whole week will enable you to really understand how you are spending your time. You might identify that some things are taking longer than you assume and having a knock-on effect. You might also identify that you are spending more time doing unnecessary activities (watching tv, scrolling social media) than you think you do and that by cutting this out you are able to have more time and ease your feeling of not having enough time.
2. Write down everything you and the time it will take you
Now I know it might sound counterintuitive if you feel tight on time to make the time to write everything down, but it is worth it. Writing down what you have to do can help you put everything in perspective. It might be after writing everything down (and how much time you need for each thing) you might realise that you do have enough time.
3. Prioritise
Now it might be that after writing everything down you discover that you are totally justified in feeling like you don’t have enough time because you have more to do than is physically impossible in a day, week etc. Now if that happens to you it is time to get brutal and set priorities. You are a human and whilst you might for a while be able to squeeze more hours into your day by sleeping less that isn’t a sustainable way of living. Take a look at your list and identify what is a priority and what can wait or be removed entirely.
4. Get help
What happens if you set priorities and your list is still too long. That is when you have to look at getting help. It may be that you can get your partner, family or friends to help you out or you may have to invest in getting professional help. Getting help may feel weird, especially if you think of yourself as a superwoman, however, there is nothing wrong with getting help and you have to be honest about what you can achieve. If the tasks are genuinely a priority and you know you don’t have time for it then surely getting help is your best option.
5. Make sure you are putting your health first
This is another counter-intuitive thing to do. When you are feeling like you don’t have enough time to do everything it is easy to think “I’ll just get a bit less sleep” or “I’ll have a takeaway rather than cooking dinner” or “I’ll skip today’s gym session”. It may save you time today, but it will only make your long-term problems worse. To maximise your productivity you need to be in good health. Focusing on your health will help you to be able to an energy-filled individual who is able to actively take on everything your day demands.
There you have it. You now know what to do when you feel like you don’t have enough time.
Time is one of the things you can’t make more of. However, whilst an hour, day or week may be a fixed duration of time we have the ability to make it feel longer or shorter. When you feel as if you don’t have enough time, it will always feel like it is moving quickly. Hopefully, by reading this blog post you are now equipped to take steps to re-establish your relationship with time.
In the comments, I would love what your biggest takeaway was.
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