How To Create A Morning Routine To Set Yourself Up For Success

How To Create A Morning Routine That Sets Yourself Up For Success

Ready to start the day how you mean to go on? Well, it is time to create your very own morning routine that will set yourself up for success. Let’s get to it!


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If you have been following PropelHer for a while, you will know that I am a big fan of having a morning routine and I will often talk about The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. The Miracle Morning was Book of The Month back in Jan 2017 and if you want to find out more about that morning routine check out this YouTube playlist where I break down the 6 steps to that morning routine.

Now The Miracle Morning is just one morning routine you can follow, but today I wanted to share my top tips on creating your own personalised morning routine.


Tip 1 – Don’t look at your phone until you have finished your own morning routine

How did you start your day this morning? If you are like most people then it would have been by looking at your phone. Unfortunately, as the mobile phone has replaced the alarm clock most people pick up their phone to turn off their alarm and then don’t put it back down.. The key to a successful morning routine is making time for you and when we look at our phones it is easy to start replying to message and notifications, and getting sucked into responding to everyone else’s needs AND remember a morning routine is about putting your needs first. So if you are strong willed just turn your alarm off and put your phone back down. And if you aren’t so srong willed, get an old fashioned alarm clock..


Tip 2 – Refuel your body

After a long night sleep your body needs fuel. If you want a productive day then you need to ensure that you rehydrate your body and eat a healthy breakfast that will provide you with the energy needed. Now I am not a health expert so I am not going to even make any recommendations of what you should be eating, but I am sure you can use your logic or have a quick google.


Tip 3 – Exercise

We all know that exercise is really important for our bodies and by incorporating exercise into your morning routine you are eliminating the chance for excuses later on in the day. Now this is the step lots of people like to miss, but once you get into the habit you will feel the difference and it is so great to know that you have done something great for yourself so early on in the day


Tip 4 – Mindset work

A crucial part of creating a morning routine that sets you up for success is including some mindset work. This is definitely something that didn’t used to be in my routine and really makes the difference. Now mindset work covers anything that is reflective or giving you the space to be aspirational. So it could be meditating, practicing gratitude, saying affirmations, journalling or visualizing. Essentially, by incorporating mindset work into your morning routine it ensures that you practice changing your mindset daily, which is key, but also the morning is a great time for mindset work as you will have just woken up and so your mind should be fairly clear. I personally like to practice gratitude and say affirmations, but I would say give everything a go and work out what is best for you.


Tip 5 – Reading!

Now how could I do a video about a morning routine to set you up for success and not mention reading. Reading is key for your personal development and your success and by making it part of your morning routine you will ensure you read every single day. To get started try reading 10 pages every morning. At that pace you will easily get through a book a month, which is a great place to start. And if you aren’t sure on what to read then check out the reading list of PropelHer’s Book Club.


To recap, to create an amazing morning routine you should think about: turning your phone off, refueling your body, incorporating some exercise, doing some mindset work and reading.

If you would like even more help in creating a morning routine and a 30-day tracker to help you monitor your first month then check out my free guide HOW TO CREATE A KILLER MORNING ROUTINE.



I would love to know in the comments below what your morning routine currently looks like.



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