How to face your fears

Monday Motivation - Everything You Need Is On The Other Side of Fear


These four little letters have so much to answer for. I absolutely agree with Jack Canfield. Fear is a major factor in the reason people don’t achieve their goals. Therefore, whilst working towards creating your dream life you need to develop the ability to face your fears. It isn’t going to be easy, but you can do it!

Here are my top tips:

  1. Acknowledge the fears you have

This may seem like an odd one, but before you can start facing your fears you need to be aware of the fears you have. Some are obvious, but often there are fears that are lurking below the surface. For example, one of the first things I ask clients as part of PROPEL ME INTO SUCCESS is “What is the worst that would happen if you became successful?”. Most people actually have a fear of success, which seems crazy. I mean everyone wants to be successful right? Yes, most people think they want to be successful, but they do worry that being successful will mean they never see their family, friends will become jealous, they will have no social life, they will never be able to attract a man and much much more.

So when you think of the dream life you want take a moment to acknowledge the associated worries you have and write them down.


  1. Visualise you taking action and it working out

Fear can be associated with the unknown. You have to do something you are uncomfortable with and you just don’t know how it is going to turn out. It could be as simple as making a sales call, attending an interview or pitching for funding. There is no way you can know the outcome. However, you can visualise you doing the activity and it going well! Our mind is a powerful tool so use it for good. Instead of worrying and playing all of the worse case scenarios in your head, imagine yourself doing your best and achieving the desired outcome.


  1. Remember a time when you overcame another fear

Most people have had to overcome fears as they were growing up. Remember a time when you had to sleep with the light on or the thought of riding a bike seemed impossible. The truth is everyone has faced a fear and if you have done it once you can do it again. So remember all of the fears you used to have and how you overcame them.


4.Take action – one step at a time 

There is really only one way to face a fear and that is by taking action. Action kills fear. Think about the fear you have and think of the small action steps you could take to start facing it and start taking soon. My recommendation would be to get moving as quickly as possible. The longer you think about a fear the bigger it becomes. So work out now how you can overcome it and start working today.


Have you overcome a fear? Any other top tips for facing your fears? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

Propel Me Into SuccessReady to face your fears and make 2017 your most successful year yet?

PROPEL ME INTO SUCCESS could be the coaching program for you. Acknowledging your fears is a central part of this 12 week coaching-programme. By knowing what is stopping you, we can face it head on, resulting in bye-bye fear and hello success. The time is now. Decide today that you are ready to stop dreaming and start doing. Book a call  and let’s check this is the programme for you!



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