1. Acknowledge the version of success you are currently trying to achieve
Before you can redefine success for yourself, you need to be aware of what your current version of success is. Ask yourself “What version of success am I currently pursuing?”. Write down everything that you are trying to achieve that you believe you are striving towards achieving in an effort to be successful.
2. Question your current version of success
Once you’ve got clear about the version of success you are trying to achieve it is time to start questioning it. All too often people are following a version of success blindly. They’ve never stopped and asked themselves “Is this what I really want?”. Now is your time to ask that question.
Most people are striving to be successful because they think being successful will help them to be happier. Look at everything you are aiming to achieve and try as objectively as possible to identify how it will support your happiness.
If you come across something you are trying to achieve that you part of your version of success, but actually on further examination you realise it isn’t going to support your happiness then it is time to let go of that being in your version of success.
3. Write down your version of success
Once you’ve completed step 2 you should write down your version of success. The likelihood is you’ve been aiming for societies version of success for years and that version of success will continue to be promoted to you. Therefore, in order to ensure that you are able to redefine success and focus on achieving your new version of success you need to work hard to keep the new version top of mind. Writing your version of success down is key to helping you to remember your version of success and ensure that is what you are working too.
Write it down and ideally put it somewhere where you’ll see it often
Further Reading: How to Keep Your Goals Front of Mind
4. Ignore other people
Whether you want to or not you don’t live in a bubble. The likelihood is that if you’ve decided that your version of success looks different to the norm then there will other people who have thoughts and will tell you about their thoughts. It can be anything from someone simply making remarks that encourage you to be striving for the status quo version of success because they don’t question it. Or on the other extreme, you may have openly told people about your definition of success and they are actively trying to change your mind. Either way, once you’ve decided on what is important to you and what success looks like to you, you need to ignore other people. Their thoughts and opinions are not important. This is a time where you need to focus on the decisions you’ve made and the journey you are going on.
That’s it! You now know how to redefine success for yourself.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be successful, but it is vital that you’ve taken the time to define success for yourself so that you can ensure you are trying to achieve something you truly want rather than something society has said will make you happy.
In the comments, I’d love to hear what your version of success is.