How to set goals for beginners | Goal Setting 101

How to set goals for beginners - Goal Setting 101 - PropelHer

Determined to create a better life for yourself? Heard you need to write your goals down and don’t know where to start? Well you are in the right place as in this post I will sharing how to get started with writing your goals.


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If you have been following PropelHer for a while you will know that I am goal obsessed! I have created a whole range of blogs posts, resources and videos around goals, setting goals, remembering your goals, owning your goal – you get the picture!

It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say I am obsessed with goals, but I know not everyone is and I wanted to create a video that went back to the basics.

STEP 1: Imagine your dream life

Before you start to write down your currently goals it is good to take a moment to put your mind into a really positive and ambitious state of mind. Close your eyes and think about what you would really like your life to be like?.

How would you spend your day?

What work would you do?

Who would you spend your time with?

Where would you live?

Build a picture in your head of how YOU would like your life to be.


STEP 2: Write down goals for the different areas of your life over the next year

Now you have imagined your dreamed life it is time to start writing your goals for the next year. This should be moving you from where you are today to a little bit closer to the dream image.


When you are setting goals it is important to ensure you are setting goals across the different aspects of your life such as: business/career, health, romance, personal development, finances, personal development and spirituality. The best way to ensure you are setting balanced goals is to look at a wheel of life.

Wheel of Life - Coaching Tool - PropelHer







STEP 3: Refine your goals

Now you have set your goals for across your life it is time to refine them! Firstly you need to ensure they are SMART. SMART has a number of definitions. I go by the following:






The main way to ensure your goals are smart is to add numbers where possible, ensure you have a deadline and consider whether someone else would be able to evaluate whether you had achieved or your goal or not. A goal should be set so that it is obvious when you have achieved it.


You are all done! But if you would like a start setting goals like a pro then you can ensure all of your goals are written in the present tense. Naturally we write goals in the future because out goals are things we want to be, do or have in the future. However, experienced goal setters write their goals in the present tense so they are like affirmations. By writing goals in the present tense you are telling your mind that you already are achieving what you are setting out to achieve. I know this may sound a bit weird, but the classic example is how Muhhammad Ali used to say every day “I am the greatest” when really his goal was “I want to be the greatest”.



So that’s it. 3 steps to get you goal setting. This is just the very beginning and if you would like to really start writing and achieving great goals then grab my free goaldigger guide. You can grab it at

There I walk you through all the steps to writing compelling goals that you will want to actively work towards.

I would love to know in the comments below 1 goal that you are currently working towards.

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