1. Work out what living a well-balanced life means to you
There is no one way to live a “well-balanced life”. Therefore, before you set off on your journey to living a well-balanced life you must first work out what your version of a well-balanced life is. At the core of creating a well-balanced life is the idea of getting to a place where you are happy with multiple aspects of your life. Those aspects, or areas, could be family, finances, friends, romantic relationships, health, self-care, personal development, fun, work, spirituality, or many other things. Take a moment to think about what aspects of your life are important to you and will make up a part of your balanced life.
2. Complete a wheel of life
If you are feeling like your life is out of balance then you should definitely consider completing a wheel of life. A wheel of life is a tool used to help you assess various aspects of your life. You can find out more about the wheel of life here. However, the super-short version is it is a tool where you rank different aspects of your life from 1-10 on how satisfied or happy you currently are with that area. This then enables you to quickly see how you feel about your life as a whole and identify areas that need attention.
It is an especially good tool to use when you feel as if your life is out of balance because it can help to turn a general feeling of imbalance into something that is quantified and can be used to help plan future actions.
It is very common when certain areas of your life thrive that others suffer. For example, you are doing great at work and your finances are in a good place, but you aren’t in good physical health or spending enough time with friends or familiar. I’m sure this is an example you have seen happen in other people’s lives. However, it isn’t inevitable that as one aspect excels another has to suffer.
Complete the wheel of life now and then identify the aspects you know you’ll need to work on to create a well-balanced life.
3. Get an accurate snapshot of how you are spending your time at the moment
From doing the wheel of life you should have a good idea of where the balance in your life isn’t quite right. Now it is time to work out whether the imbalance correlates with how you are spending your time. A well-balanced life will mean that you are making time for the various parts of your life. The likelihood is that if you are trying to live a more well-balanced life then currently the way you are spending your time is out of balance. The question you need to answer is “How out of balance is my life?” It is really easy to make assumptions about how you are spending your day or week. You underestimate how much time you spend doing one thing and overestimate how much time you spend doing something else. To avoid this from happening actually track how you spend your time for a week to understand exactly how you are spending your time.
4. Set your future commitments or priorities
By this point, you should have a good understanding of what aspects of your life you need to focus more, or less, on in the future. Now it is time to take the learnings from the previous tasks and write something down that you can refer back to. There is no right way of doing this, but it should be easy for you to refer back to and make decisions around. For example, you might commit to making every Sunday evening your time for self-care or you might write that you’ll only do extra shifts at work if it doesn’t eat into your exercise time.
5. Stick to your commitments
Once you’ve set your commitments you need to stick to them. That might mean blocking out the necessary time you need for each area of your life or it might mean staying firm and sticking to your boundaries when asked to break them.
6. Regularly review
Achieving a well-balanced life doesn’t happen overnight and well-balanced life can easily fall out of balance. That is why it is important to regularly review how you feel. Completing a wheel of life is an easy way to regularly be able to do reviews and see how the actions you are taking are actually impacting the way you feel about your life.
That’s it! You now know how to live a well-balanced life.
Living a well-balanced life requires you to be intentional with how you spend your time and energy. However, by making a few conscious decisions can start to have a life that is more balanced and ultimately brings you more joy and happiness.
In the comments, I would love to know what your biggest takeaway has been.
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