The Miracle Morning felt like the perfect book to run a challenge on. With it’s 6-step formula it would be easy to break it down and focus on a different aspect each day. So when I announced back in December that the January book was The Miracle Morning I also announced that I would running a 7-day challenge to help kick-start everyone’s new year.
With the challenge now finished I am able to reflect and here are my learnings.
I wanted to use the challenge as a way to provide extra values to those who already follow PropelHer but also help attract more women to PropelHer. Especially with a new year on the horizon I knew some people would have the ambition to want to read more. I shared the details of the challenge on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Running a FREE offering meant I could share the details in more Facebook Groups than usual so I did get signups from some new women.
What was interesting was that throughout the week people signed up. That wasn’t something I hadn’t considered.
The challenge was to be delivered by a daily email and involve video too. I set myself the goal of using YouTube and video in my marketing mix for 2017 so this seemed like the perfect opportunity.
Due to having a digital detox over the Christmas and New Year period I had very little time to prepare, which meant Day 1 didn’t include a video. At that point I really considered not doing the videos. Nowhere had I said the challenge would involve videos. No-one would know the difference it I didn’t but I take my promises to myself seriously. So Day 2-7 included a video and you can watch the complete series here.
The joy of running something for the first time is you really are guessing how long it will take to create. Creating emails, videos and daily posts took longer than planned and did result in some working till 1am moments. However, now I would have a lot better idea for the future.
Throughout the challenge I ran daily posts in the Facebook Group and encouraged women to share photos of their experience with the hashtag #PropelHer. As I had expected very few people shared their pictures publicly, but engagement in the group on specific posts was more than an average post. Also, by encouraging people to share in the Facebook Group a number of new women joined the group.
Running a 7-day challenge has been a great experience. I know for sure that some women have actually given The Miracle Morning a go. I have also been able to see who has been opening up the emails through the week so can see the super dedicated, which is great to know! PropelHer’s mailing list and Facebook Group has grown, whilst I have had the chance to really engage with my audience base more.
My advice for anyone who is running a challenge is to really identify what your purpose is. Yes you will want to be providing more value for your audience, but at the end of the challenge what would you be hoping for? To sell x? Increase numbers on x? Knowing this will help you to design a challenge that benefits you, as well as your audience.
Want to join PropelHer’s Book Club? If you live in London you can register here and if you live anywhere else join our Facebook Group here.