One of the secrets to success is MINDSET.
I am a little bit obsessed about mindset and it is a central part of my coaching, because you can have amazing strategies but if you don’t have the right mindset to go with it, it is never going to work.
So how do you develop the right mindset?
The first step to programming your mind for success is to acknowledge your current limiting beliefs and fears. Everyone says they want to be successful but most people have fears around success. This could be having no work/life balance, getting burnt out, being judged, not being able to deliver to, losing friends, not being able to attract a partner, not feeling good enough and much much more. Even successful people have fears,, but they acknowledge them and then face them. However, you can’t address a fear if you don’t know that it exists. So spend some time writing down all of the negative connotations you have with being successful.
Some of your fear and limiting beliefs will have been existing inside of you for a very long time so they’re not going to change overnight. It is going to take continuous work for you to make those changes. Successful people will often mention 2 different ways that they have re-programmed their mind: affirmations and visualisations.
I have lost count the amount of successful people who have praised the power of affirmations. An affirmation is a positive statement that is repeated with the aim of affecting your subconscious and conscious mind. They are often used to re-programme a limiting belief. For example, if you had a fear of public speaking you could say “I am a confident speaker and enjoy speaking infront of others”.
The important thing about affirmations is to make sure you are saying them in the present tense. Even though it is something you are aspiring for, the statement is worded as if you already that.
Visualisations are most commonly associated with athletes. They will say that they have imagined winning for hundreds of times before it actually happened. In essence, when you are visualising you are mentally rehearsing. You are visualising a current scenario and the more you do that, the more normal it will become in your head and if it was something that might have originally seemed unrealistic, it will now feel realistic and achievable.
So to recap to programme your mind for success you need to first acknowledge your current fears and limiting beliefs. Then every day you will need to take action to reprogramme those beliefs. This is most commonly done through visualisations and affirmations.
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Claudia Crawley
11 March 2017 at 9:17 amGreat post, Charelle. These are things I do each morning before I start my day. And I swear, they really work. The other 2 daily actions I would add to that list are listing all the things I’m grateful for now and in the future. Saying thank you for all these things eliminates negative thinking and puts things in perspective! Very powerful. Second, daily meditation, even for just a few minutes. For me it’s the icing on the cake; it clear’s my mind, enables me to focus and calms me.
11 March 2017 at 9:30 amThank you Claudia. It is great that you do those things every morning. It sounds like you have a very good morning routine established, which will definitely help you start the day on the right foot! I also practice meditating and gratitude as part of my morning routine.