How to Set Your Goals using the BE-DO-HAVE Model

How To Set Your Goals Using The BE-DO-HAVE Model - PropelHer

Have you heard you need to set goals in order to be successful but don’t know where to start? Keep on reading as today I will be sharing how you can use the BE-DO-HAVE model for creating your goals.


Goal-setting is one of my favourite topics to talk about. Success doesn’t happen by accident and I am a massive believer in writing down your goals, but I understand it can be a daunting task when faced with a blank piece of paper, which is why today I am going to share with you how to use the BE-DO-HAVE model when setting your goal.

Isn’t it crazy how when the whole world is your oyster you want nothing right. And that is how it can feel when you first start writing your goals down.

Now the BE-DO-HAVE model is super simple.



Firstly, you write down everything you want to be in the future. This could be a profession (I want to be an author, teacher, coach, singer etc) or your relationship with others (Mother, Wife, Best Friend of Beyonce) or your character (I want to be patient, I want to be loving, I want to be generous).



Then you write down everything you want to do in the future. This could be places that you want to travel to (I want to visit New York, Bali or Hawaii) or it could be experiences you want to have (I want to walk the Great Wall of China, I want to swim in the Great Barrier Reef) or it could be related to a hobby I want to go dancing every week, I want to learn the piano or I want to volunteer at my local community centre.



Then you write down everything you want to have. Now you can start with all the material things – I want to have a house on the beach, I want to have a Ferrari, I want to have a walk-in wardrobe full of designer dresses. Then start thinking of the smaller things you would like to have


That’s it! Simple right.

But the key is to make sure with all categories you are specific. Don’t write – “I want to have financial freedom” instead write down “I want to have xx amount of money in the bank” or “I want to have xx amount of value in assets”. 

And you may have noticed when writing your list that something could fit under multiple headings, such as “I want to be a best selling author” and “I want to have a bestseller book”. That’s fine. There is no harm in writing it down twice.

I would love to know the comments below what one of your BE-DO-HAVE goals is.

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