If you are a regular reader then it won’t come as any surprise that my first suggestion is read. I believe that reading is a great use of your time and I make time virtually every day to read a book. If you aren’t sure where to get started then you check out Propelher’s Reading List.
In my opinion there are two types of podcasts. There are the podcasts that are meant to be listened to and enjoyed and then there are the podcasts are meant to be listened to and actioned. Now both types of podcasts and valuable but if you have an extra hour I would encourage you to listen to a podcast from the second category and actually take the actions recommended in the podcast episode.
As an adult, you should never stop learning, but without the school system in place to force you to learn something, it can easily slip off your to-do list. However, with your new hour, you could put your extra hour to good use and finally focused your energy and time on learning a new skill. Now maybe you might want to learn a new language, a new hobby or even a skill connected to your profession. With more courses than ever online, there is something for everything. A great place to start is by looking on Skillshare.
For most people, including myself, meditating is one of those things you know you should do, but you never make time too. That is why it is a great thing to try with your extra hour. Now it is unlikely in your first go you are going to be able to meditate for the full hour so I would recommend you combine it with something else. Also, a great way to get started is by listening to a guided meditation. There are lots of apps you can try, as well as finding free guided meditations on YouTube.
I know you know you need to be exercising, but just because we know something is good for us doesn’t mean we do it. Exercise is one of those things that people love to put off. However, exercise has so many benefits that you should be making time for it. Having a healthy body will help support everything else you do. So work out what type of exercise you enjoy (or hate the least) and get that body moving.
Has there been something you’ve wanted to start for the longest time ever and haven’t? Maybe you want to write a book, start a podcast or launch a business. Now an hour might not seem a lot of time, but if you really concentrate an hour is enough time to start moving in the right direction.
Last, but definitely not least, is using your extra hour to journal. Writing down your thoughts is so powerful. You can use the time to reflect on your long-term past, your current situation or the future.
When it comes to journalling there are lots of different techniques. In the morning I like to follow my GAGA method. You can find out about this in Journalling for success – 4 prompts to start journalling today. And if your extra hour is in the evening then consider reading 4 journalling prompts for your evening journal instead.
There you have it 7 productive ways to use an extra hour.
In the comments, I would love to know which thing you are going to try for yourself.