5 signs that it is time to take the leap

5 signs that it is time to take the leap

Are you trying to work out whether now is the time to take the leap? 

Whether you are thinking of changing jobs, starting a business, moving, leaving a relationship or any other major life change the likelihood is you have some resistance to taking the leap. Most people are apprehensive when it comes to big life changes, but just because you are apprehensive doesn’t mean you should take the leap. Keep on reading to find out the 5 signs that it is time to take the leap.

5 signs that it is time to take the leap - Pin


1. You’ve been considering making this change for a considerable amount of time

It is one thing to wake up one morning and think I want to start my own business or move to New York, but it is a very different thing to save the same thought over and over again.


We all have moments of daydreaming where we think of a world where our life is different to what it is right now. However, if you have had the same thoughts for months or years then it is more than just an idea. Deep down there is a reason why you keep thinking about making this change and you owe it to yourself to take the thought seriously.




2. You know that you deserve better or more

When it comes to taking the leap sometimes we are pulled towards something and sometimes we are driven to leave our current situation. Maybe you are highly unsatisfied with a certain aspect of your life right now and know that you deserve better. If that is the case and taking the leap will help you to achieve that “more” or “better” then seriously consider taking the leap.


3. Comfort or security is the main reason for continuing as you are

As humans, it is natural to want comfort and security. Our bodies are designed to keep us away from danger. However, in order to grow, we have to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones and often put ourselves in situations that involve a bit of risk. The unknown is risky. The fact is that you probably took a risk to end up in your current situation. Once upon a time, you might have taken a risk to start a new relationship or job. At the time it was risky as you weren’t 100% sure how it would turn out. However, quickly that can become the norm, your zone of comfort, and now the thought of leaving that scares you. Remember that you have taken risks before and survived so you can do it again. If the only thing keeping you where you are right now is comfort and security it is time to really reflect on whether having comfort and security is worth more than taking a leap and going after your dream.


4. Your current situation is impacting your health negatively

Your health should always be a priority and if your current situation is detrimental to your health then you should absolutely take the leap. That means leaving partners who abuse you and well as leaving jobs or businesses that cause an enormous amount of stress or anxiety.


5. You know taking the leap has the potential to drastically improve the quality of your life

You only get one life, and you owe it to yourself to try to do whatever is possible to maximise the quality of your life. Taking a leap and making a major change in your life is risky. You don’t know with certainty what is going to happen. However, if you can see a possibility that taking the leap will drastically improve the quality of your life then you should go for it.

There you have it. You now know the 5 signs that it is time to take the leap.

The fact is that in most situations there is never a right time to take the leap or if there is you can only see that in hindsight. There will always be a level of risk when taking a leap, but risk isn’t necessarily a bad thing.


I really hope you’ve found this blog post useful.


In the comments, I would love to know if any of the 5 signs really resonated with you.


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