Before you can achieve anything you have to believe it in your mind, which is why I wanted to choose a book that concentrated on mindset.
I believe that mindset training is essential in your journey to be successful, yet so many people have never even heard of the concept.
There are plenty of mindset books, but I chose The Magic of Thinking Big because “For decades millions of people have learned the secrets of success through David J. Shwartz’s The Magic of Thinking Big”.
The book claims to help you “Achieve financial advancement, work promotions, a positive outlook on life, fulfilling relationships, and lasting happiness.” So suitable for all, I am sure you would agree!
Ready to starting thinking and achieving big?
Well buy a copy of The Magic of Thinking Big, take notes and join in.
PropelHer’s Book Club will be meeting on Monday 6th February at Library, 112 St Martin’s Lane, London. Book your tickets now.
Not based in London. Well sign up to join the Facebook Group and join in the conversation there.
And don’t forget to share your book selfies #PropelHer