Back in 2015 that quote totally freaked me out. I mean, I have never wanted to be average and at the time, the average of the five people I spent the most time with wasn’t saying much about the level of success and the type of life I would lead.
Everywhere I looked people were saying “your network is your net worth”. I knew my network wasn’t good enough, but I just didn’t know how I could change it. I was committed to up-leveling my life and being more successful, but how could I find the people to support that.
Identify where you want to be in 5 years.
How do you know if your network can support you, if you aren’t 100% clear of where you want to be in 5 years? Do you want to be in the same industry, company, city or country? Work out what would be the ideal situation in 5 years’ time. Then work backwards and think what your circle needs to look like for this to happen.
Look at your current network
Sometimes there are great people in your network, but they just aren’t as close as they need to be. For me, the pressures of the London life, meant that my most intelligent, ambitious women were chained to their desks. I knew the right women, but I just couldn’t get to see them as much as I wanted. If there are people in your network you would like to know better or spend more time with – then do! Be the one to make the extra effort and reach out. Send them useful links to get a conversation going, invite them to an interesting event you are attending or schedule a catch up dinner.
Identify the type of people you are looking for
You know what you need and you have worked out the people who are in your life that you want to develop stronger relationships with. Now what about those gaps? I know this may seem calculated, but if you don’t plan, it will never happen! I was a great marketer, but my knowledge of law and tax was not as great. Are there particular skill sets that are missing in your network?
Join a mastermind
Originally devised by Napoleon Hill, in Think and Grow Rich, he describes a master mind as “A friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose”. The great thing about a mastermind is everyone is there with a shared ethos of moving forward and being successful. You will be with a group of people who are committed to leading a better life and understand how important a network is to achieving that.” If you are interested in joining a mastermind let me know.
Join PropelHer’s Book Club
Well, obviously I am biased but if you are looking to connect with ambitious women, from diverse background, who are all looking to excel in their lives then it is the place for you! We have a thriving online community, that is continually growing in numbers and growing in knowledge through the books we read. Find out more information here.
Remember… “If you’re the most intelligent person in the room . . . you’re in the wrong room.” – James D Watson
Have you got a network you are proud of? I would love to know how you built it. If you haven’t, don’t worry share in the Facebook Group what you need. Remember you have to ask for what you want.